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January 21, 2013

Meet the Members Monday- Jack L

Hello SSC, I'm Jack Lauters and I am married to 2d Lt Rebecca Lauters who is an Air Force MS3. We are new parents to a wonderful baby boy, Lucas.

I am currently a SAHD, and full time student getting a degree in Finance, big jump from my first career as a Nuclear Operator in the Navy, but it seems to be more fun so far. Luckily my classes are mostly online so I was able to travel with Becca on rotations during her pregnancy and will be able to follow her with Lucas so she can nurse as she completes her rotations.

Becca and I met while I was stationed in San Diego and she was attending UCSD for undergrad. Although she is from Los Angles and I am from Phoenix we both consider San Diego home. We have been together for seven years this month and married for three, and love San Diego so much that we planned our wedding on the beach there while we were stationed here.

I am really into the outdoors, from biking to hiking to kayaking to rock-climbing and trail running, as long as I'm outside I'm happy.

Becca has no prior service, but as I mentioned earlier, I am prior Navy. I did seven years, from the day after I graduated high school until a month after we found out that Becca was accepted into USUHS's Post-Bacc program. I think that my prior service has made it pretty easy to transition into a military spouse, although it is a bit frustrating that I need a POA to do things that I used to do with a CAC card

I've loved out time at USUHS, I don't think there is a more supportive unit in the military. That being said I am looking forward to residency, if only to have roots somewhere for a few years.



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