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February 25, 2013

Meet the Members Monday- Rachel W

Hello! My name is Rachel and my fiancé is Wells Weymouth, an Army MS1.

We met at a party freshman year of college (it can happen) at the University of Florida, started dating before our sophomore year and have been together over four years now. In school I studied advertising and Spanish while Wells was pre-med. We have done a lot of traveling together but still consider Florida home.  The DC area is a great place to live but we miss our beaches and are still getting used to the concept of seasons!

While Wells is not prior service, he did do ROTC in college so we always knew he would be doing medical school with the military, whether it was through USUHS or not. Although not anything like being active duty, it did give me insight into the military world and I feel the experience helped me adjust to being a military spouse up here.

In the year between graduation and medical school, Wells and I lived in New Zealand for nine months while he was on a Fulbright scholarship and did some research in Antarctica.  That was an amazing experience in a beautiful place that left us with a plethora of entertaining stories from earthquakes to living in a campervan to my job as a dancing popsicle (just ask sometime). After that experience of moving to a foreign place with no family, friends or job, I feel I am ready to take on being stationed just about anywhere (except for maybe Georgia!). Now back in the states, I have just recently secured my first ‘big girl’ job working for a non-profit in Bethesda and have kept my dancing background alive with weekly Flamenco classes!

As our wedding is less than two months away (over spring break), most of my free time has been taken up with all of the planning! I have been able to get involved though and have enjoyed helping design for the SSC Wounded Warrior run and getting to know a lot of members! I look forward to meeting more and getting to know everyone better. This is a great group of dedicated and caring people!



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