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October 1, 2012

Meet the Members Monday

Hi! My name is Eva S. My husband is Topher, an army MS2. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN. Topher and I met at Gustavus Adolphus College, a small liberal arts college in southern Minnesota. I'm sure there's a good joke to make about the fact that we met in chemistry class, but I've never quite been able to figure out what it is! After college, we moved together to Boston for two years, then spent a year apart with him in Baltimore and me back in Minneapolis, and then he got into USUHS. We got engaged in August between summer training and the start of classes, I moved to D.C. in November, and we got married in Minneapolis in December. It was a busy couple of months! Luckily, things have settled down since then. Topher and I live in Bethesda with our standard poodle Loki. 
I am a CPA and I work as an auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers. It may not sound too exciting, but I really enjoy it. The work is interesting, I get to travel, I've worked on some fun jobs (auditing Elvis Presley Enterprises and getting a VIP tour of Graceland currently tops the list!), and they were great about transferring me from the Minneapolis office to D.C.

Topher is non-prior, and pretty much my only experience with the military prior to USUHS was hearing my dad talk about how my grandpa flew planes in Europe in WWII! However, Topher has two brothers in the military (a pediatric dentist and a chaplain) so we're trying to use their knowledge as much as possible. So far, being connected to the military has been great, but I'm not looking forward to Topher being gone six months for rotations next year. I am, however, looking forward to visiting him for a few weeks in Hawaii!
I haven't had a chance to spend too much time with the SSC due to a busy spring and summer, but I am looking forward to getting involved with the club this year!



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