My blog has moved!

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July 10, 2012

Check it out!

Our new website is up and running! Please take a look, bookmark it, and share with everyone you know at USUHS. Enjoy!


July 9, 2012

New SSC Website Update

The SSC and USUHS have been working together these past few months to build a new website for the club! 

In addition to a new web address and a new look, we're working on making our membership application and payment process, automated too. We'll still have the old school method of a downloadable paper application and payment by check available too - but for those who want to do everything online, you will now be able to!

Also brand new to the site will be a Calendar feature which houses not only upcoming SSC events but academic leave periods for each of the classes as well (with a link to the four year calendar for each class too). We're open to adding other relatable events to this feature too so if you have suggestions, just send them to

There are so many more updated features - you'll just have to see for your yourself!

Final touches are being made to the site now so the launch of the club's new site should be very soon. Our next post will be the announcement of our new web address - hope you're as excited as we are!
